How to boost your Immune System

Our immune system is essential for our survival. It is a network of cells, tissues and organs, namely our skin, mucus, gut and lymph system, which work to defend against any foreign bodies and infectious diseases, both internal and external.

Published: Thursday 13 June 2019

Our immune system is essential for our survival. It is a network of cells, tissues and organs, namely our skin, mucus, gut and lymph system, which work to defend against any foreign bodies and infectious diseases, both internal and external. Internal diseases include cancer cells, and external includes any bacteria, fungus, viruses or parasites. The most important cells in the immune system is the white blood cells, also called leukocytes. They are found in various parts of the body and circulate between your organs, nodes and blood vessels. When antigens (the foreign substances) enters the system, your body will start what is called an autoimmune reaction. Your body will produce antibodies, which are specialised proteins and will attach itself to the antigen to help protect you from the illness.

When it functions properly, your body will recognise what is your own healthy cells from foreign cells and fight against these diseases. A healthy immune system is vital in order for us to go about our daily life, and you probably don’t notice that it is working around the clock as you come into contact with germs, people, pets and the environment.

However, when the immune system is compromised, it is harder for our bodies to be protected at the same standard, so the likelihood of catching infectious diseases and illnesses is much higher.

How to spot a weakened immune system:

  • You feel more tired
  • You’re overweight
  • You’re not getting enough sunlight
  • You feel stressed constantly
  • Your wounds take longer to heal

There are several ways to maximise your chances of avoiding harmful infections and staying healthy.