Thrush and Exercise: All You Need To Know

We explore what thrush is, how exercise can affect its growth and what can be done whilst working out to reduce the risk of a thrush infection.

Published: Thursday 09 June 2022

Thrush is an incredibly common condition that, although not necessarily dangerous, can be very uncomfortable - particularly during day-to-day activities. Data from 2018 showed that around 138 million women around the world have experienced the condition more than once [1]. However, thrush is highly treatable so do not stress!

What is thrush?

Thrush is an overgrowth of yeast, or more specifically, the candida fungus in different areas of the body that can cause irritation. Among adults, the most common area where thrush forms is on the genitals; either on the penis or around the vagina. However it can also appear in other areas of the body if the conditions allow it to thrive, such as the armpits, groin or between the fingers. An overgrowth of the candida fungus in your mouth is known as oral thrush, however, this form and most other types of thrush are highly treatable with a variety of simple medications.

Yeast is actually a natural inhabitant of the body - it’s found on the skin, in the digestive system and in the vagina. It plays an important role in keeping the body balanced and healthy, particularly with the digestive and immune system, by absorbing vitamins and minerals from food and helping the body fight disease. Whilst some of it is good for the body, too much can disrupt the crucial balances within the body, leading to thrush.

What causes thrush?

Thrush appears in different areas of the body for a variety of reasons. However, when looking at genital thrush specifically, the cause could be:

Although genital thrush can appear after sex, it’s important noting that it is not contagious, so cannot be sexually transmitted.

What does thrush look like?

In regards to a thrush growth in the vagina, the symptoms will appear as:

When experiencing thrush on the penis, the symptoms will similarly be:

How does exercise affect thrush?

During exercise, to ensure the body doesn’t overheat, it secretes sweat from the 2-4 million sweat glands located throughout the skin. There are two types of sweat glands;

Wearing tight clothes like leggings that don’t allow your body to cool and exercising for a prolonged period of time without showering can lead to a concentration of sweat, particularly areas where the apocrine glands are located. In turn, the warm moist environment creates the perfect conditions for harbouring thrush growth.

In addition, the type of exercise you’re doing may also correlate with your risk of developing thrush. Cycling and swimming have long been associated with genital problems - thrush being no exception. Also, as the temperature outside increases and we roll into summer, this can be another factor in creating an ideal environment for thrush, particularly when exercising outside.

How do you reduce your risk of thrush whilst exercising?

There’s no need to stop exercising, even if you are currently experiencing thrush, so long as you make the necessary changes to your exercise routine and educate yourself on which components of your workout may be promoting the growth of thrush. Here’s our advice for what changes you can make!