How to Get to Sleep Fast

Check out these 5 tips for falling asleep fast and having good quality rest.

Published: Tuesday 01 February 2022

5 Useful Tips for Improved Sleep

Build a relaxing pre-sleep routine

One of the keys to sleep is consistency, and doing a daily routine that indicates to your body that it should start preparing for rest is a great way to achieve fulfilling sleep. Half an hour to an hour before going to sleep, you could try dimming the lights, taking a hot bath, playing relaxing music, drinking herbal tea, meditating or reading a book. Avoiding blue light is crucial in the run up to sleeping, so limit screen time if you can.

Go outside during the day

How awake or tired you feel is to some extent dictated by your circadian rhythm, your in-built body clock. Exposure to light heavily influences your circadian rhythm, and by getting outside into bright lighting conditions during the day you can help to regulate your sleep pattern. Getting natural sunlight (or bright light such as using a SAD lamp) improves sleep quality and duration, and can reduce the time it takes to fall asleep by 83%.[1]

Exercise regularly, just not before sleeping

Exercise is beneficial to so many aspects of our bodies, from our physical and mental wellbeing to our sleep quality. Known to reduce symptoms of insomnia, exercise has been found to provide 41 minutes of additional sleep each night, and to half the amount of time it takes to fall asleep.[2] Whether you choose to work out in the morning or the evening, your sleep will be benefited, but only if you finish exercising at least half an hour to an hour before sleeping.

Ditch the caffeine after 3pm

Caffeine in tea and coffee can be great for boosting energy and enhancing focus, but consuming it in the late afternoon and evening can have a negative effect on your quality of sleep. Caffeine is a nervous system stimulant which prevents the body from relaxing, and since caffeine can stay elevated in your blood for 6 to 8 hours, we recommend not drinking coffee or tea after 3pm.[3] If you want that same taste or routine after 3pm, try decaffeinated drinks instead.

Take a clinically-proven sleep aid

If you are really struggling to fall asleep quickly, or perhaps you just can’t sleep for as long as you feel you need, there are a few treatments that may help. Nytol is a popular sleeping pill containing the same active ingredient that makes you feel drowsy after taking antihistamines, and the effect of the medication is well documented. Sominex is another effective sleep aid for treating short-term insomnia that is popular. If you are looking for a natural sleep aid, Nytol Herbal presents a tablet containing valerian root, passion flower and hops, each with a connection to improved sleep.