Pharmica International Scholarship Program

Submissions for the Pharmica International Scholarship Program 2024/2025 are now closed. Thank you to everyone for their submissions - please continue to check this page for details regarding the winner!

Pharmica Scholarship

About the Scholarship

At Pharmica, we understand the importance and value an education provides to shape the leaders of tomorrow. However, we also understand that financial barriers can sometimes hold back individuals who wish to contribute to making a positive difference in the world, whether that be in the medical industry or any other industry.

This is why we launched the Pharmica International Scholarship Program in 2022. Under this program, we provide a USD 1,000 grant each year to subsidise the higher education fees of one student at an accredited North American university.

Scholarship Announcement Update:

We are delighted to announce that the winner of the Pharmica International Scholarship Program 2024/2025 is Clara Medrano from the University of California, Berkeley!

Congratulations Clara and well done for submitting a fantastic essay for last year's program.

We will be releasing details regarding the 2025/2026 Pharmica International Scholarship Program by the 10th of March 2025.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible to apply for the scholarship, you must be:

  • At least 18 years old, or be able to provide written permission from a parent or guardian if you are under 18.
  • In good academic standing with your current educational institution, with an average GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Currently enrolled in or accepted to a full-time program at an accredited North American college or university, where the campus is based in the United States or Canada.

How to Apply

To apply for the award, we ask that you complete the task of writing an essay on a topic selected by our scholarships team. We will announce the topic for the 2025/2026 Pharmica International Scholarship Program on the 10th of March 2025.

Essay submissions should be in Word document format and submitted via email to using the subject “Pharmica Scholarship Submission | [Your Name].

When writing your email to our Scholarship Team, please include your first and last name, phone number, home country, college/university name, program, and student ID number.

The deadline for submitting essays for the 2024/2025 Pharmica International Scholarship Program was Friday the 30th of August 2024. The winning applicant was selected by the Pharmica Scholarship Team based on the quality and originality of their essay submission. We will anounce details regarding the Pharmica International Scholarship Program 2024/2025, including the deadlines for application, very soon!

If you have any questions about our scholarship process, please send an email to or call the Pharmica Scholarship Team by dialling +442071129014

Previous Winners

Congratulations to our previous scholarship winners:

2024/25 - Clara Medrano (University of California, Berkeley)

2023/24 - Jacqueline (Santa Clara University)

2022/23 - Kemuel (University of Illinois Chicago)

Terms and Conditions

We accept one submission per applicant only. All written submissions become the property of Pharmica and may be posted on our website, blog, social media accounts, or elsewhere as we see fit, alongside your full name and photograph where applicable.

A representative from the Pharmica Scholarship Team will notify the winner of the scholarship via email or phone.

If you are selected as the winner, you must provide proof of enrollment or acceptance to an accredited college or university, alongside a photograph (professional headshot preferred) that may be used on this page and//or for marketing purposes.

Applicants’ email addresses and phone numbers will not be shared with any third parties, and will not be added to our marketing list unless requested.

The USD 1,000 will only be awarded to the student via their college or university's preferred method of receiving scholarship awards.

The USD 1,000 is inclusive of any wire transfer fees that may be incurred when transferring the funds to the winner.